Sunday, January 23, 2011

Home at Last :)

Finally, we're home. Brought the boys back on Friday, during the day, and I spent the night in my own bed. I am so happy that Harry gets to be back in his ferret nation :) They were super excited to have all that space again. The weird thing is, while I've been house sitting, Harry has been really good about taking his meds. I mean, he doesn't lick them up like they're candy or anything, but he barely struggled and swallowed his meds pretty quick after I squirted them in. Now, he struggles like mad and holds his meds in his mouth for a minute or two. It's like he thinks he doesn't have to take his medicine now that he's back home.

I have discovered that my boys aren't huge fans of boiled carrots. I need to cook a yam for them tomorrow, they absolutely love yams. They are big fans of turkey and vegetable baby food, not so big on any of the fruit baby foods though, surprisingly.

Today, I had to help Harry poop a little bit. He had a "plug," which is just what I call it and think of it as. It was a rather short but thick piece of poop. I'm pretty sure he could pass it if he wanted to, but it hurts. I have some infants tylenol for that ouchie though, luckily. And he doesn't need it often, which is good, because tylenol isn't good for him "long term." I'm not sure how long a long time is, exactly.

Shingo now has pretty severe HED. He gets around alright, but I have to clip his back nails and I check his penis daily (I'm not really sure how, but he seems to be cleaning it... I also don't know how he's getting from level to level, but he seems to be doing alright). I want to try putting vet wrap around his one ladder (he manages to get to this third level, even though there's no ramp!) and I want to find a water bottle with a longer spout, so he doesn't have to reach up so high. Or maybe build/buy a ramp for under the water bottle? I have an extra one, because I took it out of Harry and James' half of the FN. I admit, my cage has gotten pretty high maintenance on me. Did I mention that Shingo HATES being held?

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